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    Residential and Commercial Valuation of Solar

    On Demand
    On Demand
    Appraisal Institute
    On-Demand Online Education
    Sandra K. Adomatis, SRA
    Class Time
    14 hours
    Exam Time
    1 Hour
    Full Price
    AI Price
    Course Description


    The number of solar photovoltaic (PV) system installations continues to increase as the price becomes more feasible in many markets. Appraisers will find the valuation a challenge without knowledge of the technology and data available to use the most appropriate methodology. Appraisers must expand their knowledge base to understand how electricity and solar PV is priced, and to understand how solar PV systems function to develop a credible value. If you are seeking education that will hone your skills or teach you new ones, this is the course for you. Residential and commercial appraisers will work together to apply an income capitalization approach and cost approach to valuing energy produced for solar PV systems. All you need is a tablet or iPad, with Internet access, and you will use free online software to value the energy that solar systems produce.
    This is an advanced course that requires the use of a discounted cash flow analysis. Because of its difficulty, double AI CE points are awarded.
    Important Course Requirements: This course uses free, third-party software known as PV Value or Ei Value to complete the case studies. The software has been vetted by the Appraisal Institute, but course participants should have knowledge of the discounted cash flow analysis. The case studies emulate appraisal problems that appraisers face every day. For educational purposes only, the case study provides a discount rate to use in this course. Appraisers must analyze and conclude the appropriate discount rate for their market, which will change based on the local market’s view of solar and changes in kWh prices, solar production, and cost new.  
    Please note. This course does not address utility-scale solar (solar farms), solar thermal, or other on-site renewable energy generation.

    Note. This course is in the Valuation of Sustainable Buildings Professional Development Program. View this list of FAQs, which includes information regarding the courses you’ll need to complete the program successfully.

    Who Should Enroll
    • Real property appraisers
    • Assessors
    • Underwriters
    • Lenders
    • Builders
    • Real estate agents
    • Quality control personnel
    • Architects
    • Engineers
    • Solar installers
    AI CE Points
    Attend & Pass Exam:
    State Approvals
    State QE/CE Course & Exam Course Only Exam Only Delivery Format Approval Format Start Date Expire Date State Code
    AK CE 15 14 1 Online Online 07/08/2021 07/08/2024 18423
    AK CE 15 14 1 Online Online 10/12/2022 10/12/2025 19021
    AK CE 14 14 Online Online 07/08/2021 07/08/2024 18423
    AL CE 14 14 Online Online 10/01/2022 09/30/2024 C02625
    AR CE 15 14 1 Online Online 10/12/2022 10/12/2025 19021
    AZ CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/27/2023 09/27/2026 61275
    CA CE 14 14 Online Online 12/20/2021 12/19/2025 21CP754601486
    CO CE 15 14 1 Online Online 11/28/2023 09/27/2026 2473
    CO CE 14 14 Online Online 11/28/2023 09/27/2026 2473
    CT CE 14 14 Online Online 09/13/2023 09/13/2026 AAL.001103
    DC CE 15 14 1 Online Online 02/29/2024 02/28/2026
    DE CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/27/2023 09/27/2026 61275
    FL CE 15 14 1 Online Online 01/19/2024 01/18/2026 0009792
    GA CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026 72827
    HI CE 15 14 1 Online Online 11/07/2023 12/31/2024 23-331
    HI CE 14 14 Online Online 11/07/2023 12/31/2024 23-331
    IA CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026 A518-1123
    IA CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026 A518-1124
    ID CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026
    ID QE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026
    IL CE 16 15 1 Online Online 01/01/2023 12/31/2024 575.010226
    IN CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/27/2023 09/27/2026 61275
    KS CE 14 14 Online Online 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 215.C24.R
    KY CE 15 14 1 Online Online 07/01/2023 06/30/2024
    LA CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026
    LA CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026
    MA CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026 120031
    MD CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/27/2023 09/27/2026 61275
    ME CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/27/2023 09/27/2026 61275
    MI CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2023 07/26/2026 20 - 1092126
    MN CE 14 14 Online Online 01/01/2024 12/31/2025 1024203
    MO CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026
    MT CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2023 07/26/2026 REA-CEC-REC-16858
    MT CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2023 07/26/2026 REA-CEC-REC-16858
    NC CE 14 14 Online Online 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 4184
    ND CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026 CE-223062
    ND CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026 CE-223062
    NE CE 14 14 Online Online 12/21/2022 12/20/2027 2172485.02
    NH CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026
    NH CE 14 14 Online Online 03/25/2020 09/27/2026
    NJ CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026 2023-3432
    NJ QE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026 2023-3432
    NM CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2020 09/27/2026 4314
    NM CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2020 09/27/2026 4314
    NV CE 14 14 Online Online 06/01/2021 08/30/2024 CE.0009778-A
    NY CE 14 14 Online Online 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 A4552-14
    OH CE 14 14 Online Online 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 923403008A 23
    OK CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2020 09/27/2026 994
    OR CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026 APIN-C-1120-8863
    PA CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2020 09/27/2026
    PR CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/27/2023 09/27/2026 61275
    RI CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2023 09/27/2026 REA.0002061-CE
    SC CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/01/2022 08/31/2024 DE1688
    SD CE 15 14 1 Online Online 11/26/2023 09/11/2026 SD 1263 CE
    TN CE 14 14 Online Online 01/01/2024 12/31/2025 2117
    TX CE 15 14 1 Online Online 01/01/2023 11/15/2024 TX Provider #:10 Course #: 44659
    UT CE 15 14 1 Online Online 04/01/2023 03/31/2025 AC230312
    UT CE 14 14 Online Online 04/01/2023 03/31/2025 AC230313
    VA CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/27/2023 09/27/2026 61275
    VT CE 14 14 Online Online 01/21/2021 01/21/2025
    WA CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/28/2020 09/27/2026 A23025788
    WI CE 15 14 1 Online Online 09/27/2023 09/27/2026 61275
    WV CE 15 14 1 Online Online 08/01/2023 09/27/2026
    WV CE 14 14 Online Online 09/28/2023 03/22/2026
    WY CE 14 14 Online Online 04/23/2024 09/27/2026
    Course Objectives
    • Recognize key solar PV terms.
    • Identify and use the documents and data necessary to value solar PV systems.
    • Describe and analyze solar PV components and identify their relevance to market valuation.
    • Develop a credible value opinion using tools, worksheets, and resources provided in the course.
    • Recognize potential valuation problems, including USPAP and lender/underwriter concerns.
    Course Details

    Program Overview:

    Online Syllabus


    For Online:  Participants must complete mandatory assignments in this program. Please plan your time accordingly and allow up to 5 days for the instructor to review your assignments. The instructor may ask for a re-submission of incomplete assignments. You may advance through the program while you are waiting for your instructor to review your work. You may also contact the instructor to request expedited review.
    Note. Online students with limited knowledge of solar PV and discounted cash flow analysis will likely spend more than 14 hours completing this class.


    Additional Information:

    This course contains a proctored, offline exam that may be required for credit in some states. Please contact your individual state(s) for specific exam requirements. Participants taking the class for the Professional Development Program are required to pass the exam. You will have 90 days from the time that you complete the course to take the exam. Testing center locations in your area can be found by clicking on this link:
    Exam FAQ

    Online Course Access
    Go to and log in with the username and password you used when you registered. Click on the red “My Account” button if you are not automatically taken to your account page.
    1. Click "Education and Events" on the right navigation menu.
    2. Find the course under the “Online Courses” heading and click the “Begin” button.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Once this button is clicked, your access length time (e.g. 90 days) will begin. Only click when you intend to start the course. If you are returning, once you have started the course, click the “Continue” button to continue.

    This course is approved for 15 GBCI CE Hours by the USGBC.

    Other Details
    For information about how on demand online education programs work, registration and cancellation policies, and other details, see our On Demand Online Education Frequently Asked Questions or email


    Online Education FAQ



    PV Value®(computer) or Ei Value®(iPad)

    • During this program, we will use the income capitalization approach through a DCF of the energy produced by the solar PV system. To do this, the software below is free, has been vetted by appraisers, and is easy to use.
    • Computer: Register for PV Value at Register as an appraiser. When working the case studies, say you are a licensed appraiser in the state of the case study to produce the final pdf of the worksheet.
    • iPad: Register for Ei Value at  Then download the iPad app from the iTunes Store. You will use this software to work on the case studies in this program.
    • Note: The software above is not the only tool available to develop a DCF. Appraisers with good Excel skills may have their own DCF that meets their needs.
    • Though dated, the original PV Value® user manual provides excellent information on the authors, the model, and source of information.
    Roof Azimuth Tool -
    • This online tool from Solmetric can help establish an estimate of the azimuth when one is not available on site. Ei Value will allow you to estimate the azimuth also. PV Value does not have this capacity.

    • An Introduction to Valuing Commercial Green Buildings seminar OR
    • Valuation of Green Residential Properties seminar
    Course Materials & Recommended Books
    Pricing Options
    Rate Full Price AI Price
    Today thru 12/31/2050
    $450.00 $370.00
    Have Exam Questions?
    Additional Course Offerings
    Sponsor Date Location Format
    Appraisal Institute June 4-7, 2024 Synchronous View Details Register
    Chicago Chapter October 16-17, 2024 Chicago, IL Classroom View Details Register