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    News and Insights

    News and Insights

    Keeping you informed about the latest news affecting the valuation profession.

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    Keep abreast of the latest news affecting the Appraisal Institute and the valuation profession. We curate content covering industry trends, legislative issues and regulatory developments to ensure you know what is happening.


    Face Value Podcast

    Join hosts Warren Boizot, SRA, AI-RRS, and Tonia Vailas, MAI, AI-GRS, each month as they share appraiser experiences, insights, and stories with other leaders in the profession.


    Valuation Magazine

    The Appraisal Institute’s award-winning quarterly magazine provides valuation professionals with the strategies you need to succeed through articles that address today's most pressing appraisal, legal, legislative and business concerns.

    The Appraisal Journal

    The Journal is AI’s quarterly peer-reviewed publication, and winner of a Gold Circle Award from The Center for Association Leadership (ASAE). It’s the appraisal profession’s premier technical and academic publication.

    Connect with Leading Valuation Professionals

    AI is home to the nation’s largest group of real property valuers.

    Reach professionals across our industry by advertising in Valuation magazine, our e-newsletters, the Career Center and more.

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    The Appraisal Institute’s Communications Department is here to assist members of the media.

    Whether it’s providing materials and other information or scheduling interviews with the Appraisal Institute’s officers and other experts, we’re here to help.