Green PDP FAQs
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The courses below make up the Valuation of Sustainable Buildings Professional Development Program. Additional courses may be added to the program as relevant information develops on green buildings. This ensures that you are up to date with the most current information available.
- Introduction to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts
- Case Studies in Appraising Green Residential Buildings
- Case Studies in Appraising Green Commercial Buildings
- Residential and Commercial Valuation of Solar
- Practical Applications in Appraising Green Commercial Properties
Anyone may take the courses in this program.
Yes. All the courses are offered in the classroom and online.
The Valuation of Sustainable Buildings Professional Development Program’s Registry (there are two sections: residential and commercial) is located on AI’s website (Residential Registry and Commercial Registry). They list the names of Designated Members, Candidates, Practicing Affiliates, Affiliates, or other individuals who have successfully completed (attended and passed the examinations) the courses in the residential or commercial Valuation of Sustainable Buildings program (see below). Placement on the Registry shows potential clients and employers that these individuals have obtained knowledge on this specialized topic.
Residential program: Introduction to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts, Case Studies in Appraising Green Residential Buildings, Residential & Commercial Valuation of Solar.
Commercial Program: Introduction to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts, Practical Applications in Appraising Green Commercial Properties (in the classroom) OR Case Studies in Appraising Green Commercial Buildings (online), Residential & Commercial Valuation of Solar.
Yes, it was a required course for the Commercial Registry. Case Studies in Appraising Green Residential Buildings, however, as of January 1, 2017, it is no longer a course requirement for the Commercial Green Registry. If that is the only course you needed to complete the Commercial Series of courses, your name was added to the Commercial Registry list.
No. However, if you took one or both of those seminars, you may challenge the course exam for Introduction to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts. If you pass the exam, you will have completed the Introduction to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts' course requirement. We recommend, though, that you attend the Introduction to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts course because it is more up to date and contains information that was not included in these early seminars.
As more information on valuing green buildings becomes available, courses may be added to the program. AI's Education Committee will assess if additional courses should be required. If a course is added, you will be notified in advance. When the course becomes available, an asterisk will be placed by your name on the Registry to reflect that while you have taken and passed the first courses in the program, you haven’t taken a required course(s) recently added to the program. Once you have attended and successfully completed the additional required course(s), the asterisk will be removed. After the course has been added and released (classroom and online delivery), you will have one year to successfully complete the course. If you have not completed the course within that year, your name will be removed from the Registry. Once you have successfully completed the course, your name will be placed back on the Registry.
The classroom version of Case Studies in Appraising Green Commercial Buildings has been replaced by a new course, Practical Applications in Appraising Green Commercial Properties. In addition to updates and new concepts, it is based on AI's publication, The Valuation of Green Commercial Real Estate. While we encourage everyone who is on the Commercial Registry to take the "new" course, it is not an additional requirement. Rather, it has replaced the Case Studies in Appraising Green Commercial Buildings' (classroom version) course requirement.
The online version of Case Studies in Appraising Green Commercial Buildings is still available. An online version of Practical Applications in Appraising Green Commercial Properties, noted above, is in development. Until it is released, you may take EITHER the online version of Case Studies in Appraising Green Commercial Buildings OR the classroom course, Practical Applications in Appraising Green Commercial Properties, to satisfy the "commercial case studies" course requirement for the Commercial Registry.
No. You must attend the courses and successfully complete the exams.
Lenders, underwriters, public officials, architects, attorneys, property tax assessors, builders, Realtors, and developers.
No. It is only approved by the AQB for continuing education (CE) credit. The courses in the program are submitted for approval for state CE (state appraisal regulatory agencies).
Yes. AI CE credit for Designated Members, Candidates for Designation, and Practicing Affiliates will receive the following points:
- Introduction to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts: 125 points (attend and pass exam), 75 points (attend only)
- Case Studies in Appraising Green Residential Buildings: 125 points (attend and pass exam), 75 points (attend only)
- Practical Applications in Appraising Green Commercial Properties: 200 points (attend and pass exam), 150 points (attend only)
- Case Studies in Appraising Green Commercial Buildings: 200 points (attend and pass exam), 150 points (attend only)
- Residential & Commercial Valuation of Solar: 200 points (attend and pass exam), 150 points (attend only)

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