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    Teach a Class

    What It Takes To Be an Appraisal Institute Instructor

    The Appraisal Institute provides best-in-class education thanks to our dedicated instructors. Our instructors draw from years of real-world valuation experience to share their practical knowledge and passion for the profession.

    Have you thought about teaching a class with AI? Join our community of approved instructors and leverage your unique skills and insights to lead others to success.

    What are the requirements to become an AI instructor?

    • Be an AI Designated Member. There are exceptions for Ph.D.s, D.B.A.s and Ed.D.s.
    • Have teaching experience and/or training. 
    • Complete an Instructor Qualifying Conference (IQC).

    What is the IQC?

    The IQC includes virtual and live components. It has two goals:

    1. To assess the communication and instruction skills of potential AI instructors.
    2. To review educational principles and practices for potential instructors to effectively teach AI programs.

    Will I be granted approval to teach AI programs after attending the IQC?

    Attendance alone does not guarantee approval to teach AI programs. Prior to the conference, you’ll create a video of yourself “teaching” content from one of AI’s courses. You’ll also be required to do a live presentation and impromptu presentation. AI's Education Committee grants final approval.

    Contact Us

    Ready to get started?

    Find out when the next IQC is scheduled, and how to get your invitation to teach from the National AI Education Committee.