Litigation PDP FAQs
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The Litigation Professional Development Program has three courses:
- The Appraiser as an Expert Witness: Preparation and Testimony (700) (15 hours + 1-hour exam)
- Litigation Appraising: Specialized Topics and Applications (705) (20.5 hours + 1-hour exam)
- Condemnation Appraising: Principles & Applications (715) (21 hours + 1-hour exam)
If you successfully completed the three courses and passed the exams, yes, these courses count towards meeting the course requirements for the program.
If you are a Designated member and you sat through these courses but did not take or pass one or all of the exams, you may challenge the 700, 705, and/or the 715 exams (Note. The 715 exam combined questions from the 710 and 720 exams). If you pass the exams, you will be placed on the Registry. If you do not pass one or more of the exams, you may re-exam twice within one year. If you do not pass after two re-exams, you will need to take the course(s) and pass the exam(s). If you do not pass the 715 or 705 exam, you will need to take the 3-day Condemnation Appraising: Principles & Applications (715) course and/or the 3-day Litigation Appraising: Specialized Topics & Applications (705) course.
Anyone may take the courses in the Litigation program. Only AI Designated members, however, will be placed on the Litigation Registry.
You’ll need to take Condemnation Appraising: Principles & Applications (715) (which combined 710 and 720) and pass the exam. Or you may challenge the 715 exam.
You'll need to take Condemnation Appraising: Principles & Applications (715) (which combined 710 and 720) and pass the exam. Or you may challenge the 715 exam.
Yes. The courses in this program are approved for continuing education (CE) hours. Please check with your state to check on how many hours. (State Appraisal Regulatory Agencies)
Yes. AI CE credit for Designated Members, Candidates for Designation, and Practicing Affiliates will receive the following points:
- The Appraiser as an Expert Witness: Preparation and Testimony: 200 points (attend and pass the exam), 150 points (attend only)
- Litigation Appraising: Specialized Topics and Applications: 200 points (attend and pass the exam), 180 points (attend only)
- Condemnation Appraising: Basic Principles & Applications: 200 points (attend and pass the exam), 180 points (attend only)

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