International PDP FAQs
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Three courses are in the International Valuation of Fixed Assets Professional Development Program.
- Valuation in Challenging Markets (28 hours and 2-hour exam)
- International Financial Reporting Standards for the Real Property Appraiser (14 hours and 1-hour exam)
- International Valuation Standards Overview (8 hours and 1-hour exam)
Yes. The course is offered online. You will receive 8 attendance hours. The exam is built into each module that you complete. There is not a separate exam.
Yes, you must pass the multiple-choice exam for the course if you would like to be placed on the International Valuation of Fixed Assets Professional Development Program’s Registry.
This Registry is located on AI’s website. It lists the names of Designated members who have successfully completed (attended and passed the exam) the courses in the program. Placement on the Registry shows potential clients and employers that these members have obtained knowledge on this specialized topic.
Yes. Contact us! Include your name and state in the subject line of your e-mail. Staff will review your files and process the appropriate paperwork.
No. You must attend the courses and pass the exams.
No. Anyone may take the courses in the International Valuation of Fixed Assets Professional Development Program. Only Appraisal Institute Designated members who successfully complete the exams in the program, however, will be placed on the International Valuation of Fixed Assets Registry.
The course was developed for general appraisers; however, residential appraisers who have an understanding of derivation of capitalization and discount rates, discounted cash flow analysis, highest and best use analysis, and project development costs will benefit as well. See prerequisites below.
If you are a Certified General Appraiser, there are no prerequisites for this course. If you are not a Certified General Appraiser or other professionals who resides or works in or outside the USA (financial analysts, bankers, realtors, government assessors, auditors, accountants, etc.):
- Required prerequisites: 5 years real estate appraisal experience & understanding of real estate terminology, particularly the 3 approaches to value. If less than 5 years, experience, successful completion International Equivalency Exam.
- Recommended prerequisites: Basic Appraisal Principles, Basic Appraisal Procedures, General Income Capitalization/Part 1 (or equivalent), General Market Analysis & Highest and Best Use (or equivalent)
Yes. If you pass the two-hour International Equivalency Exam, you do not have to take the prerequisites. The exam may be taken at a Pearson Vue Testing Center. Pearson Vue testing centers are located throughout the USA and around the world.
Yes. You may re-exam two times within one year. If you do not pass the exam within one year, you will need to take the International Equivalency five-day course and pass the two-hour International Equivalency exam which follows the course. The course is offered online. For more information, or to register for the course, please visit: International Equivalency Course: General.
Financial analysts, accountants, international finance CEOs, government appraisers, assessors, realtors, bankers.
Yes. AI CE credit for Designated Members, Candidates for Designation, and Practicing Affiliates will receive the following points:
- Valuation in Challenging Markets: 250 points (attend and pass exam), 200 points (attend only)
- International Financial Reporting Standards for the Real Property Appraiser: 200 points (attend and pass exam), 140 points (attend only)
- International Valuation Standards Overview: 125 points (attend and pass exam), 75 points (attend only)

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