Online Education FAQs
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Please contact us or call 312-335-4473.
We have several online discounted packages available offering 15% off the AI price or the full price.
- You begin your classes at any time after you register. You do not need to wait for an official start date to access your program.
- You'll have at least 90 days of access after the date you choose to begin.
- You do not have to attend at scheduled times — you work at your pace, not the instructor’s pace. For example, you can work for one hour and then log off and come back three days later and work for another hour or two. When you return, you always pick up your class right where you left off.
- After you complete the program, download your PDF certificate off the AI website. The certificate is available indefinitely if you need to download it in the future.
- Operating systems: Windows 7 and newer; Mac OSX 10.6 and newer; Linux - Chrome OS
- Browsers: Canvas supports the last two versions of every browser release. See the latest supported browsers.
- Screen size: Canvas is best viewed at a minimum of 1024x600, which is the average size of a notebook computer. If you want to view Canvas on a device with a smaller screen, we recommend using the Canvas mobile app (see below).
- Mobile device support: Access Canvas on your mobile device through any mobile browser. Note that mobile browsers are not officially supported. We recommend using the Canvas mobile applications for an improved user experience. iOS Canvas Mobile App; Android Canvas Mobile App."
You may begin any time after you register. Once you click the “Begin” button and prompts, you have a minimum of 90 days to access and complete the program.
- Log on to the AI website. From your “My AI Account” page, click "Education and Events" in the menu on the right.
- Find your program under "Online Courses." Click the "Begin" button.
- Follow the prompts to begin. Access to the session does not start until you have confirmed all prompts.
- Go back to the "Education and Events” page and find your program under "Online Courses." Click the "Continue" button.
The "Begin" button deactivates after one year of inactivity and the course status then changes to "Lapsed." When this happens, all tuition and materials fees paid for the online course registration will be forfeited. You'll be required to re-register and pay the tuition and materials fees again to take the online course.
If you are unable to complete the online program before access ends, you may request a 30-day extension for a fee of $30.00. Only one 30-day extension is available. The extension may be purchased while you are taking the online course or during a grace period up to 30-days after course access has ended. If you don’t contact us for an extension by the end of the grace period, all tuition fees will be forfeited.
To purchase an extension, log onto your AI Account and click on "Education and Events" located on the navigation menu. On the "My Events" page, scroll down to the Online Courses section and click on the Purchase Extension button. It may take up to 15 minutes for the course to reactivate. If the Purchase Extension button is no longer available, contact Online Education at 312-335-4473 with your payment information.
If you are unable to complete an online program once it begins, you may cancel out of the program before the program access length of 90 days has ended. The following tuition refund policy is in effect for a canceled online program based on the amount of material completed in the program:
- Less than 25% of the program completed: $60 cancellation fee
- More than 25% of the program completed: no tuition refund
Yes. You can’t be placed into the program where you left off before canceling.
To cancel a program, please contact Technology-Based Education online education support at or 312-335-4473. If you don't contact us for a cancellation within the program access length of 90 days, all tuition fees will be forfeited.
Most of the content for our online programs is provided online. Some programs, however, may offer supplementary offline materials to enhance the learning process. Some courses may also have required or optional textbooks. Please check the program description for specific information.
As with all our continuing education programs, each individual state must approve a program for pre-licensure and/or continuing education credit. The online programs have been submitted to all states that approve online education and The Appraisal Qualifications Board (AQB) of the Appraisal Foundation for approval. Visit our State Appraisal Boards Approvals page for details. All of our online education programs also carry Appraisal Institute education credit for Appraisal Institute professionals, Candidates for Designation and Practicing Affiliates. Check the program description for specific information.
You are given unlimited access to a read-only version of an online course after the expiration date which can be used at any time to study for an exam. In the read-only format, you cannot complete assignments or re-take module quizzes. Per our Regulators, the quiz questions are designed to be used as incremental assessments, not as practice problems. You will only be able to review the module quiz questions and the feedback from your previously completed quiz attempts. To re-gain access to an expired course, log onto your AI Account page and click on Education and Events located on the right navigation menu. From your My Events page, scroll down to the Online Courses section and click on the Review button next to your course. Follow the instructions below once you are launched back into the online education system:
- Click on the Courses icon located on the left navigation bar.
- Click on All Courses.
- Click on the online course link located under the Past Enrollments section.
Yes. Online instructors serve as facilitators rather than delivering lectures. They are available to answer questions and guide discussions via e-mail and online discussion groups during the program. If there are assignments, instructors will grade them.
After completion of an online program, a PDF certificate will be available to you for download via your account on the AI website. After you login, click on "Education and Events" in the navigation menu on the right. On the "My Events" page, scroll down to the "Online Courses" section and click on the "View" button next to your course then scroll down and click on the "Print Certificate" button. Be advised, we cannot provide a certificate of general attendance for an online course that was not approved by the state at the time it was completed; in that case, you must use your Education Transcript and Education Letter as proof of attendance. The print "Education Transcript" button is located at the top of the "My Events" page. The certificate is available on the website indefinitely if you need to download it in the future. Note. Completion certificates for state approved online courses will not display if State License information was not added during the registration process. You can add more states if you need additional certificates.
Pop-ups are windows that appear automatically and without your permission. They often display advertising that can interfere with your ability to see the content on the page you're trying to read. A pop-up blocker works with your Internet browser to prevent pop-up windows from automatically opening when you visit a web site. Unfortunately, blocking all pop-ups may prevent important features in our online programs from working. We recommend that you turn off any pop-up blockers while using our online education programs. You can turn on and off most pop-up blockers at any time. You can also add to an "allow list." This will allow pop-ups for AI sites, while blocking pop-ups for all other sites.
It can take up to an hour after you register for the course to become available in your "Education and Events" list. If the course is still not available an hour after registration, please contact us at or 312-335-4473.
You must proceed linearly in the program. You probably haven't completed the pages in the Introduction module yet, which must be completed before going to the first content module. Go back to the Introduction module and complete those pages, then when you get to Module 1, the first page should be active. You may have to refresh the page to see the active link.
The program content is printable. You can print one page at a time if you wish. Also, a PDF containing all of the program content is available in the Conclusion module. The PDF is only available after all of the online content has been accessed and successfully completed. Our regulators suggest this method so that your time online can be tracked more accurately to insure credit.
Click on the "Reply" button. Type in your response. Then, click the "Submit" button. After submitting your response, click the "Next" button to advance to the next page.
To attach files, you must first create a file to attach. The file usually should be a Word document, PDF, JPG image, or Excel sheet. Once the file is created you will need to save the file to a location on your computer. When you come back to the course to submit the attachment, click the "Attachment" button and a new window will appear. Click "Browse" to look for the file you want to attach; this will be the file you originally created and saved to a location on your computer. Click the file name and it will be inserted in the window, then click "Finished." Finally, add a title and a message, and then click "Submit."
Please contact us at or 312-335-4473.
A quiz at the end of the module assesses your mastery of the module learning objectives. The learning objectives must be mastered to continue to the next module. 80% is generally accepted by regulators to insure mastery.
We don't allow multiple re-takes of the quizzes because we only have a certain number of quiz questions in each quiz pool. From the regulator perspective, the quiz questions are designed to be used as incremental assessments, not as practice problems.
The certificate of completion is available for download via your account on the AI website usually within one hour of completing all of the required program content. All applicable assignments should have been submitted and/or graded and the pages in the Conclusion module and the mandatory program evaluation must be completed. If you completed the content but not the mandatory program evaluation:
- Log on to your program.
- Go to the Conclusion module.
- Go to the Program Quality Evaluation page, fill it out and submit.
- After you submit, you usually will still need to click "Next" to advance to the very last page of the online program to make sure the completion is recorded in the system.
Certificates: To obtain your certificates, go to the AI website and click on "Login." Click on the "My Account" button. Click on "Education and Events" located on the blue navigation menu to view and access your education information. Once on your "My Events" page, scroll down to the "Online Courses" section and click on the "View" button next to your course then click on the print certificate button.
Exam: One business day after successfully completing all of the online course content and assignments, you may schedule the final, offline proctored exam on the Pearson VUE – AI Educational Examinations website at On this page, you’ll need to create a Pearson VUE account if you have not done so already. You’ll need the email address you used to register for the online course and your AI account number. If you experience any problems or have additional questions, contact us at or call 312-335-4207.
Some states ("accrediting bodies") may have requirements for online education that are different from AI. For example, a particular state may require an online exam for CE, or that the amount of time you are online be at least the same as the number of approved hours for that online program. The Accreditation Requirements Progress page in each online education program is the way to monitor your progress towards requirements for credit, from the various accrediting bodies (states) in which you have a credential. If you have any questions regarding any additional state requirements, you must contact your specific state board.
- If you need to complete an additional content item to meet your state's requirements, such as an online state exam, a link will be provided. Note. Once you have started an online state exam, you will not have access to the online program content until after you have successfully passed the exam.
- If you need to complete more time in the online program to meet your state's minimum time requirement, log back into the program and review the content for the required amount of time. Once you have completed the required time, you will be able to advance to the Conclusion module to complete the remaining pages and mandatory program evaluation. Note. Each content item (e.g. page, quiz, discussion) has a maximum amount of time that will be recorded for that item. You cannot stay on one page, quiz, etc. the entire time to meet your state requirement.
You can add all your state credentials when you register for an online program.
To add a state after you have started a program, please Online Education at or 312-335-4473.

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