MAI Designation FAQs
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Does each MAI designation education course have its own diagnostic test?
To successfully complete courses in the MAI designation education curriculum, it’s important that you have advanced Excel spreadsheet skills. Therefore, before enrolling in your first MAI designation education course, you are required to take a challenging diagnostic test in which you demonstrate mastery of creating and working with Excel spreadsheets.
Yes. However, this is not recommended. If you have difficulty with the diagnostic test, you’ll struggle in the MAI designation courses. Instructors will not teach Excel skills that should have been mastered before taking an MAI designation education course.
You may only take the diagnostic test once. The test was intentionally designed to be challenging and ensure you have mastered above-average Excel skills needed in the MAI Designation courses. Below are recommendations for successful preparation prior to taking the MAI courses:
- Register for the Excel Applications for Valuation course, which is offered online. It was specifically designed to help prepare students for the MAI designation courses. It will reinforce and expand your existing knowledge and skill set covered in the qualifying education curriculum. And rather than using the HP-12C to solve problems, you’ll use Excel applications.
- Other AI education programs:
- Self-study through Excel tutorials available via Google, YouTube,, etc.
- Mixed cell references
- Getting started with Excel 2010
- Create your first Excel 2013 workbook
- Excel 2016 for Mac Help.
The test can be taken at any time on your personal computer. It will take approximately one hour, depending on your skill level.
You should be familiar with Excel functions such as copy/paste, data and cell formatting, and mathematical formula creation. In addition, you must be able to solve basic statistical equations (e.g., sum, average, median, stdev, COV, etc.), day-to-day appraisal problems involving adjustments and rounding, and financial appraisal problems (e.g., PV, PMT, FV, IRR, etc.). You should also be able to project income and expenses as part of a discounted cash flow analysis and be familiar with the use of absolute "$" and relative cell references in formulas.
During the diagnostic test, you may use online resources for help if you get stuck, but you may NOT copy and paste formulas from the internet directly into the spreadsheet; doing so will automatically result in your answer being marked incorrect.
Feedback about your performance will appear on your screen immediately after you submit the diagnostic test.
Yes. Microsoft Excel is required to take both the diagnostic test and the MAI designation courses.
Excel 2010 or later is required to take the test.
No. Microsoft Excel 2010 or later is required for both the diagnostic test and the MAI designation courses.
No. If you wish to challenge ALL FOUR of the MAI designation education courses, you do not have to take the test.
Yes, each MAI designation education course has been designed with a mandatory two-hour online session. This session is the official beginning of the course. Participants have the flexibility to complete the online session at their own speed when it is most convenient for them. The two-hour online session MUST be completed at least 2 days BEFORE the classroom session begins.
The content in the online session is unique for each course. One course provides a content review to ensure that participants are up to speed; another may ask you to complete an assignment that is discussed in more depth during the traditional classroom course sessions. Work completed during the online session is submitted and is recorded.
The online session goes live 28 DAYS before the classroom or synchronous session begins. You have 26 days to complete the two-hour session. Access is turned off 2 days before the classroom or synchronous session begins. This gives instructors enough time to review what you have submitted and respond if necessary.
If you do not complete the online session, you will not receive credit for the course.
Instructors are asked to respond to participants within 48 hours. National staff will respond to technical questions within 48 hours.
To allow enough time for you to complete a required "pre-class" online session, course registration will be closed on the 5th day before the classroom or synchronous session begins. The official first day of the course is when you begin the mandatory online session. Please see deadlines below:
- Mandatory "pre-class" online session goes live: 28 days BEFORE the course begins.
- Last day to cancel registration with full refund: 15 days BEFORE the course begins.
- Last day to register for the course to get print materials: 14 days BEFORE the course begins. If you register less than 14 days, you will receive electronic downloads.
- Last day to cancel registration with $150 cancellation fee: 14 days or less BEFORE the course begins.
- Last day to cancel registration with -0- refund: 7 days or less BEFORE the course begins.
- Last day to register for the course: 5 days BEFORE the course begins.
- Last day to complete the mandatory “pre-class” online session: 2 days BEFORE the course begins.
The following courses are in the curriculum:
- Advanced Income Capitalization
- Advanced Market Analysis and Highest & Best Use
- Quantitative Analysis
- Advanced Concepts and Case Studies
While there is no required order for taking the MAI designation education courses, we highly recommend taking them in the following order:
- Advanced Income Capitalization
- Advanced Market Analysis and Highest & Best Use (prerequisite: Advanced Income Capitalization)
- Quantitative Analysis
- Advanced Concepts & Case Studies (prerequisite: Advanced Income Capitalization)
Downloadable materials are available to all registrants immediately. If printed materials are chosen at registration, course handbooks are direct shipped to you 30 days before the classroom or synchronous session of the course begins. To retrieve downloadable materials, sign into your AI account and choose "Education and Events" from your profile page. Then scroll down to find the download option for the course.
Yes, they are approved for continuing education (CE) credit by the AQB. For state approvals, please see the list of state approvals. Note. The two-hour online session is NOT approved.
- Advanced Income Capitalization: 33 hours (30 classroom/synchronous + 3 exam) and for 30 hours (no exam).
- Advanced Market Analysis and Highest & Best Use: 33 hours (30 classroom/synchronous + 3 exam) and for 30 hours (no exam)
- Advanced Concepts & Case Studies: 38 hours (30 classroom/synchronous + 3 exam) and for 35 hours (no exam)
- Quantitative Analysis: 33 hours (30 classroom/synchronous + 3 exam) and 30 hours (no exam)
Yes, they are approved by the AQB for QE Elective credit. For state approvals, visit our list of state approved programs. Note. The two-hour online session is NOT approved.
- Advanced Income Capitalization: 33 hours (30 classroom/synchronous + 3 exam)
- Advanced Market Analysis and Highest & Best Use: 33 hours (30 classroom/synchronous + 3 exam)
- Advanced Concepts & Case Studies: 38 hours (35 classroom/synchronous + 3 exam)
- Quantitative Analysis: 33 hours (30 classroom/synchronous + 3 exam)
Yes, you must pass the exam in order to receive QE Elective hours.
You will receive the following AI CE points for Advanced Concepts & Case Studies, Advanced Income Capitalization, Advanced Market Analysis & Highest and Best Use, and Quantitative Analysis: courses: 375 points (attend & pass exam), 275 points (attend only), 325 points (pass exam only-challenge).
Yes. You are required to bring a laptop with Microsoft Excel 2010 or later installed. All course demonstrations are done in Excel. In addition, course templates used for problem solving are provided in Excel (downloads).
Yes. All four MAI designation courses are offered synchronously.
510 (Advanced Income Capitalization): 2011; 520 (Highest & Best Use and Market Analysis): 2007; 530 (Advanced Sales Comparison and Cost Approach): 2011; 540 (Report Writing and Valuation Analysis): 2010; 550 (Advanced Applications): 2011.

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