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    Review Case Studies - Residential

    More Info Register
    September 10-13, 2024
    September 10-13, 2024
    Appraisal Institute
    Appraisal Institute - Synchronous (Live Online)
    Craig M. Harrington, SRA, AI-RRS
    Class Time
    14 hours
    Exam Time
    1 Hour
    Full Price
    AI Price
    Enroll by September 13!
    View Pricing Options
    Course Description
    You will apply the review process that you learned in Review Theory-Residential by walking through a case study that focuses on a two-stage review assignment. Day one begins with a quick refresher of review concepts. From there, you will work on an assignment that gets dropped on your desk much like it does in real life. Working in groups, as well as individually, you’ll identify and analyze the components of the case study review assignment. For many, this will be the first opportunity to work through all seven steps of the review process and apply them within a simulated, very real-to-life assignment. Problem identification and scope of work is where the process begins and that quickly leads to the tougher analytical work where you’ll analyze the subject appraisal report and develop opinions of completeness, accuracy, adequacy, relevance, and reasonableness (including tests of reasonableness). From there, you’ll learn to develop opinions of appropriateness and creditability to both the appraiser’s development work as well as opinions on whether the appraiser’s report is appropriate and not misleading — including the reviewer’s development of reasons for disagreement. Day two begins with the reviewer’s development of his or own opinion of value in this two-stage review assignment. You will analyze additional field data to facilitate review decisions whether the opinion of value in the subject appraisal report is credible. From the start of the case study, you will take notes to prepare an individual review report which is submitted to the instructor (the review supervisor) before the exam.

    Who Should Enroll
    • Certified residential real property appraisers
    • Government agency reviewers
    • Users of appraisal services
    AI CE Points
    Attend & Pass Exam:
    Pass Only:
    State Approvals
    State QE/CE Course & Exam Course Only Exam Only Delivery Format Approval Format Start Date Expire Date State Code
    AK CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/21/2022 08/21/2024 18986
    AK QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/21/2022 08/21/2024 18986
    AL QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 10/01/2022 09/30/2024 C02868
    AR CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 12/02/2023 12/01/2025 AI005
    AZ CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    AZ QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024
    AZ QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    CA CE 14 14 Synchronous Livestream 01/01/2022 10/19/2024 16CP754601230
    CA CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 08/07/2021 08/06/2025 17CP754601282
    CA QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/25/2023 09/24/2027 23CP754601554
    CO CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 02/13/2023 08/21/2024 2358
    CO CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 02/13/2023 08/21/2024 2358
    CO QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 02/13/2023 08/21/2024 2358
    CT CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/03/2023 08/21/2024 AAL.000972
    CT CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2023 08/21/2024 AAL.001030
    CT QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/13/2023 08/21/2024 000313
    DC CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 02/29/2024 02/28/2026
    DC QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 10/18/2023 02/28/2026
    DE CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    DE QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    FL CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 03/28/2024 03/27/2026 0010746
    FL QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/27/2024 03/26/2026 0010748
    GA CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 02/17/2023 03/30/2026 72875
    GA QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 07/26/2023 08/21/2024 72875
    HI CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2024 08/21/2024 23-499
    HI CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2024 08/21/2024 23-499
    HI QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2024 08/21/2024 23-499
    IA CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 02/17/2023 08/21/2024 A518-1183
    IA CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 02/17/2023 08/21/2024 A518-1182
    IA QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 02/17/2023 08/21/2024 A518-1184
    ID CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2023 08/21/2024
    ID CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 01/29/2023 08/21/2024
    ID QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2001 08/21/2024
    IL CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2023 12/31/2024 575.010174
    IL QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 08/22/2023 12/31/2024 573.000728
    IN CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    IN QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    KS CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 237.C24.R
    KS QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 472.P24.R
    KY CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 07/01/2023 06/30/2024
    KY QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 07/01/2023 06/30/2024
    LA CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2023 08/21/2024
    LA QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 08/22/2021 08/21/2024 A0269
    MA CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 02/01/2023 08/21/2024 120026
    MA CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 06/16/2023 08/21/2024 84
    MA QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 07/17/2023 08/21/2024 12015
    MD CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    MD QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    ME CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    ME QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    MI CE 15 15 Synchronous Synchronous 02/20/2023 01/28/2026 1644
    MI QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 11/20/2023 11/20/2026 20 - 948507
    MN CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/01/2023 08/31/2025 1023625
    MN QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/01/2023 08/31/2025 1035784
    MO CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2020 08/21/2024
    MO QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2020 03/30/2026
    MS CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2022 08/21/2024 MAB #49906
    MS QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 05/28/2022 08/21/2024 MAB #49906
    MT CE 15 15 Synchronous Synchronous 07/10/2022 08/21/2024 REA-CEC-REC-15383
    MT QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 08/16/2023 08/21/2024 REA-CEC-REC-16887
    ND CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/24/2023 08/21/2024 CE-223023
    ND QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/24/2023 08/21/2024
    NE QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    NH CE 15 15 Synchronous Synchronous 03/30/2023 08/21/2024
    NH QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 07/21/2023 08/21/2024
    NJ CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Livestream 01/01/2022 2016-3161
    NJ CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    NJ QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    NM CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/21/2023 08/21/2024 4268
    NM CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 03/21/2023 08/21/2024 4268
    NM QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 08/14/2023 08/21/2024 4307
    NV CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/01/2021 07/31/2024 CE.0009732-A
    NV QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 08/04/2023 08/31/2024 PL.0009584-A
    NY CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 A4551-14
    NY QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 10/01/2023 09/30/2024
    OH CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2024 12/31/2024 084402704A 22
    OH QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    OK CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 10/22/2022 08/21/2024 896
    OK QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2023 08/21/2024 896
    OR CE 14 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 02/14/2023 03/30/2026 APIN-C-0223-8964
    OR CE 14 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 02/14/2023 03/30/2026 APIN-C-0223-8964
    OR QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 07/28/2023 03/30/2026 APIN-Q-
    PA CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 04/01/2023 03/30/2026
    PA QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 08/02/2023 08/21/2024
    PR CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    PR QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    RI CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2020 08/21/2024 REA.0002053-CE
    RI QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 07/20/2023 05/22/2026
    SC CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/01/2022 08/31/2024 DE 1642
    SC QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/01/2022 08/31/2024 QEE1579
    SD CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 11/26/2023 05/13/2025 SD 1172 CE
    TN CE 14 14 Synchronous Livestream 12/01/2022 11/30/2024 01963
    TN CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/01/2023 11/30/2024 2059
    TN QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 08/02/2023 08/31/2025 2702
    TX CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 02/21/2023 08/21/2024 TX Provider #:10 Course #: 45562
    TX CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2023 08/21/2024 TX Provider #:10 Course #: 37933
    TX QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 09/19/2023 08/21/2024 37623
    UT CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2023 12/31/2024 AC221205
    UT QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 07/26/2023 07/31/2025 AQ230724
    VA CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    VA QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 08/07/2023 08/31/2025 4006000906
    VA QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    VT CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 06/06/2019 03/16/2025
    VT QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 07/26/2023 07/26/2027
    WA CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 02/15/2023 08/21/2024 A3838
    WI CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    WI QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 01/01/2022 08/21/2024 78476
    WV CE 14 14 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2023 08/21/2024
    WV CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2023 08/21/2024
    WV QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 08/01/2023 08/21/2024
    WY CE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2023 03/30/2026
    WY QE 15 14 1 Synchronous Synchronous 03/31/2023 03/30/2026
    Course Objectives
    • Apply the steps of the review process to a two-stage residential appraisal report review assignment.
    • Evaluate and analyze key sections of the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR) through an in-depth case study and real-world review applications. 
    • Effectively develop and communicate opinions of completeness, accuracy, adequacy, relevance, reasonableness, appropriateness, credibility, and reasons for disagreement. 
    • Evaluate appraisal errors to distinguish whether they are trivial or material from a review perspective.
    Course Details

    Yes. After you register for this class, please go to your Education and Events page for details on what you must complete BEFORE class begins.

    To access your Education and Events page, log on to the Appraisal Institute website at (click on the three horizontal lines to the left of the AI logo and select “My
    AI Account” from the drop-down menu).


    • A laptop or tablet computer with keyboard is highly recommended.
    • A basic-function calculator is required. You may use a financial calculator if you wish.

    Additional Information:


    Live Online FAQ

    Event Information

    This course will be held via live interactive classroom technology. See below for important participation requirements.

    State Credit:
    A course may NOT be approved in every state for every delivery format. For example, some states do NOT allow any virtual education. 
    When registering for any Appraisal Institute course, all participants will be required to check state approvals based on delivery format. For more information, see our state approvals page.

    Class Schedule:
    Class begins each day at 10:00AM Central time (8:00AM Pacific, 9:00AM Mountain, 11:00AM Eastern). Each class runs for four (4) hours each day with at least two breaks during that time.  The course runs for four (4) half-days as follows. Times shown are U.S. Central (Chicago) time. 


    • Day 1: Tuesday, September 10, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
    • Day 2: Wednesday, September 11, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
    • Day 3: Thursday, September 12, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
    • Day 4: Friday, September 13, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm


    AI National Synchronous Participation Requirements:
    • All students are required to have a computer, webcam, and microphone capability to participate and receive continuing or qualifying education credit where approved. It is the student’s responsibility to have the required equipment to participate and receive credit. Visit the System Requirements for Attendees and Share Webcam pages for help.


    • All students are required to keep their webcam on at all times while class is in session. Attendance will be monitored throughout the day through webcams and polling. A photo ID must be presented during roll call at the beginning of class on the first day. 


    • The instructor must be able to interact with all students. Instructors and administrators will direct questions to each student in the morning and afternoon to which students must respond. Students must be in a location that allows for their full attention and interaction at all times.


    For questions regarding these classroom participation requirements, contact the Appraisal Institute at or call (312) 335-4473.

    Connection Information:
    Several minutes after you receive your Appraisal Institute receipt email, you will receive a second email from GoToTraining which will include instructions on connecting to the live session and a link to a small download of the GoToTraining software. The software runs on almost all operating systems and popular browsers. Connection email reminders are re-sent 1 week, 1 day, and 1 hour prior to the live session start time. If you do not receive the connection information, please check your junk, spam, or quarantine folders. For questions, please email or call (312) 335-4473.

    Download Course Materials:
    Log onto your AI Account at with the username and password you used when you registered. Click on “Education and Events” located on the right navigation menu. On the My Events page, find the course under the “Classroom Offerings/Synchronous Offerings/Conferences” heading and click the "View" button. Scroll down to the “Download Course Materials” section and click on each link to download the course materials.